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Tag Archives: Friends

Rooftops (A Liberation Broadcast)

I’ve been a bit quiet here on the photoblog, but the camera hasn’t been coming out too terribly often recently.  Such a shame. In fact, it almost didn’t come out last night, but Sarah managed to talk me into doing a group shot.  I can’t

NYE: My Crew

New Years Eve this year was pretty fun.  Unlike the last few years, I spent it out, spent it drunk, and spent it with plenty of friends, both new and old.  Also brought my gear.  Unlike the last time I brought my gear down to

Steve’s Xmas Party 1

Steve had a Christmas/holiday party at his house on Friday.  It was set up to be the afterparty of our work holiday party, however we ended up not going.  A few people showed up, Joe, Jen, and Jake brought the beer pong table, and we


Yet another shot from Sirima’s birthday…  Here’s Steve and Laura.  Steve’s pretty engrossed in whatever he’s playing, I forget at this time.  But that happens often.  Come to find out that Laura’s quite a gamer herself.  Earlier in the evening, we were all thrashing around

Triple Trouble

Another shot from Sirima’s birthday party, here we have Jason, Melissa, and Steve…  I know Jason and Melissa through Steve, who’s the nutjob in the cube next to me at work, and one hell of a guy.  All three of ’em are a riot, and

Happy Birthday, Sirima!

Happy birthday, Sirima!  The awesome and lovely Sirima had a great birthday party over at her place on Saturday, and along with the usual suspects such as Steve, Jason (who have both shown up in various photos here probably), and others, had a damn awesome

Mr. Sean, I Presume…

Here’s another coworker of mine, the funny and many-voiced Sean.  Dude nails way too many awesome voice characters it’s ridiculous.  Anyways, this guy has been with me at this job since nearly the beginning…  Came in a bit late as a last-minute replacement for someone

Matt and the Shades

Last night I began playing with my flash unit, trying to get the feel for some strobist-style lighting.  I have a cheapo Phoenix D92-BZS digital slave flash that I bought when I was using my Finepix S3100 as my main camera.  Now that I have

Christina – Before and After

Playing around with Photoshop a bit, particularly with Totally Rad Actions, and so far I’m really liking the results.  I’m able to do the same thing I’ve been doing manually in Photoshop in a FRACTION of the time spent manually adjusting things.  I need to