Happy Birthday, Sirima!

Happy birthday, Sirima! The awesome and lovely Sirima had a great birthday party over at her place on Saturday, and along with the usual suspects such as Steve, Jason (who have both shown up in various photos here probably), and others, had a damn awesome time! Great food, lots of craziness, and hours of hanging out with some great people. Thanks again Sirima for opening your house to all of us crazies, and looking forward to the next time!
Dude on her left talking to someone out of frame is Ahsan Awan, sports photographer, and generally nice guy. Met him that night, couldn’t not talk to random dude walking in with a 50D.
More party pictures will be up on my Flickr or Facebook soon, although me being drunk, shooting with my 50mm f/1.8 in manual focus with a non-ettl flash resulted in a lot of failed pics for either lack/abundance of light, or blurriness. Lame. Oh well. It was still a blast!
Oh, and by the way Sirima… Nice thizz face… lmao!
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