Bockbier Girls

Back in April, I went to the Sacramento Turn Verein Bockbierfest. This was definitely a fun experience, hanging around a bunch of people who love great food, and of course great beer. This includes my buddies Rico and Joe (Rico’s the surprised one above, Joe’s the creeper haha), and Rico’s wife Kendra.
We ate, drank, were generally having a good time, and of course checking out the rather tempting bockbier girls. They were all pretty nice, and were having a blast selling beer and shots of jager in some pretty cool vials. Rico and Joe wanted pictures. So they got pictures. And I must say, these are probably two of the more funny shots I’ve taken. I love these guys!
That being said, I somehow left before getting the girls’ contact info–I attribute it to the amazing German beer and general shenanigans that were being had. Either way, I had a blast, and will probably go back this year.
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