And So It Shall Be…

This was a random shot at work… We (Steve, Matt, Shad, and I) have been coming up with what we call 4AM Proverbs, named such since almost everyone in our row works at 4AM. Our cubes have two little windows, one on either side of the entrance into the cube, and this is where we’ve been writing our Proverbs with Expo markers. One on Steve’s cube happened to catch the sun in the morning just right, and projected on the cube wall. Steve found it humorously prophetic, and I got a shot of it. In case you have difficulty reading the shadow-words, it says:
“Breaks and lunches are for Street Fighter 4.”
— 4AM Proverb #76
This proverb directly states that we are to play Street Fighter IV on our breaks/lunches where possible. It’s pretty funny to take a conference room for some good ol’ Street Fightin’ during lunch. Good times indeed. As usual, I get trounced.