Spider City – Ace Of Spades

My buddy Josh’s band Misamore had scored a pretty cool second show for the band, being main support for Murderdolls at Ace Of Spades a few weeks back. Murderdolls is Slipknot’s Joey Jordison’s sideproject where he plays guitar.
So I roll up to the show, not many people at the venue yet, and the first band kicks off. Spider City, from Sacramento. I’m watching the show with a friend, and I look up at the guitarist and realize: That’s Dean, from Track Fighter!! My interest was suddenly piqued, considering as I didn’t know that another friend of mine was playing this show in a band I’d never heard of.
Dean puts on one hell of a show, he’s flawless on guitar, and always gets seriously into playing. Dude kills it. If you ever have a chance to go see one of his apparently several bands, do so–you’ll be entertained.
Speaking of Track Fighter, I went to their show at Ace Of Spades on Saturday where they headlined. Photos from that show will be up soon, once I have some actual free time spent not going to shows.